What is this course about?
Fresh fish and fresh vegetables directly from the roof, produced with treated waste water from the household, that is the vision of ROOF WATER-FARM (RWF). In the course, technological basics and results of the ROOF WATER-FARM research project will be presented and, based on these, current design issues for a productive and climate-sensitive city will be discussed. Answers to the pressing questions of urban development are sought: On which local resources and actors can existing and future neighbourhoods build on? Which scenarios illustrate the current transformation potential of urban space, the associated spatial innovations and the design framework? In the course you can become active yourself: With the help of various tasks you will be introduced to the technological foundations and design framework of future neighbourhood development. You will design up-cycling concepts for water, nutrients and raw materials, develop farming strategies and scenarios for the climate-positive design of buildings and neighbourhoods.
What do you learn in this course?
- How household wastewater is treated and re-used on the building level.
- How fish and vegetables are produced with recycled water.
- What spatial and resource potential a city offers for urban food production.
- How a ROOF WATER FARM design looks on different building types.
- Which management strategies are feasible for future ROOF WATER FARMs.
- How the implementation of a ROOF WATER-FARM changes the everyday lives of city dwellers.
How is the course structured?
The ROOF WATER-FARM MOOC (#rwfmooc) presents results from four years of research. Here, you can learn everything about the RWF technology and its transferability potentials. You can also spring into action! With the help of four tasks, you can design your own ROOF WATER FARM on a building in your neighborhood. This way, you will perform your own transferability study and become part of ROOF WATER-FARM diffusion into the future city!
- Introduction
- Technology
- City & Transformation
- Outlook